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Module 1 - Getting Started

Part 1:
Born into the Kingdom

Watch the video below, "Brother Francis - Born into the Kingdom".

We have some discussion questions to go along with the video. Depending on your child's attention span, you can break the discussion into two parts, or save it for the end.

After the first half (around the 12:00 minute mark), take a minute to chat together:

  1. What did Brother Francis say the sacrament of Baptism does? (Answer: makes us squeaky clean, washes away our sin, makes us a part of a big family) 

  2. How does Jesus make us part of his family? (Answer: he invites us into the family of God & special graces) 

  3. Who is in God’s family?

At the end of the video:

  1. When Jesus spoke to His disciples, what did he tell them to do? (Answer: Baptize in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit)

  2. What happened at your Baptism? Parents, what do you remember about the day of your child's Baptism?

  3. Who are your Godparents?

  4. Do you have your Baptism candle?

  5. How can you make your light shine today? Name 3 things.


Brother Francis - Born into the Kingdom

You're all finished module 1!

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