Serve @ St. Paul the Apostle!
There is nothing like knowing God has worked through you to shape his kingdom in the lives of others!
See below for some ways you can join us.
Then, complete the form!

Hospitality Teams
An important part of our weekend Masses are our hospitality teams! We want the path from the front door to the pew to feel as comfortable and welcoming as possible. We need people to greet, answer questions, and help folks find a seat when they come into our building. With hospitality, you’ll help others get connected at our parish, and help them take their next step.
Decorating/Environment Team
Ever wonder who makes the church look so amazing during all our liturgical seasons? This is our decorating/environment team! Make our parish look beautiful year round and join the team!
Ministries at Mass
Each Mass takes a lot of volunteers to make happen, including:
- Altar Servers
- Lectors
- Musicians
- Eucharistic Ministers
Help make our liturgies a beautiful and prayerful experience.

Livestream and Tech Team
Do you like working in the behind the scenes? Do you like problem solving, especially when you it’s with a computer? So many things that happen around our parish depend on people who can handle our tech: Alpha needs people to handle screen sharing on Zoom and help guests get connected, and our Sunday Masses need people to run slide presentations and livestream cameras. There are so many ways to help!
Communications & Online Presence Team
Our team supports clear communication using the parish ebulletin, social media (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram). We also support the online chat and prayer ministry on the parish website and Facebook! This is an important ministry in these times to welcome, pray with people, and to help them with their questions. We also need on-air hosts to help share the week's announcements and events with our community!

Baptismal Preparation Team
Our baptismal preparation team is responsible for welcoming and interacting with families who present their children for baptism. They are one of the first points of contact that families will have at the parish!
Baptismal preparation team members are tasked with reaching out to parents and supporting them through the weeks and months leading up to their child's baptism. This includes encouraging active participation and attendance at the parish as well as supporting families as they journey through the online preparation resource 'Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God' (Ascension Press)'.
Each year, St. Paul typically baptizes ~100 infants. However, too often families don't see themselves as members of the community. We need you to help these families make their home at St. Paul.
The commitment is estimated to be an hour or two a week. Team roles involve keeping in touch with families throughout the preparation process and setting up for baptisms. All volunteers for this ministry will need to be screened by our parish screening team.

First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
Sacramental Preparation Team
Our sacramental preparation team for First Reconciliation and Eucharist is responsible for accompanying families as they complete the online preparation programs. This includes support for family preparation activities/crafts and being a resource for when families may have questions. The sacramental preparation team is an important support system for families as they raise their children in the faith and help families feel at home at the parish.
The team is also responsible for coordinating and setting up times for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, which will take place at various times throughout the year.
The commitment is estimated to be an hour or two a week. All volunteers for this ministry will need to be screened by our parish screening team.
Confirmation Preparation Team
Our sacramental preparation team for Confirmation play a crucial part in a young person's life as they journey to become fully initiated into the Church.
One of the key aspects of Confirmation are small groups of youth called Connect Groups (that will meet either online or in-person) where those preparing for Confirmation will discuss some of their biggest questions about life and faith! Connect groups are places where our youth will get to know other youth who are also preparing to be confirmed and to grow in their relationship with Christ, while being mentored by faith witnesses who will accompany and encourage them along the way.
The Confirmation Preparation Team consists of Connect Group leaders (2-3 per group) who will attest to the readiness of each youth to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. ​
The commitment is estimated to be 2-3 hrs every few weeks. All volunteers for this ministry will need to be screened by our parish screening team.