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We are thrilled to welcome you to St. Paul the Apostle Parish!
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please complete the Baptism Inquiry Form, and we will be in touch with you!
Click here to learn about how we prepare your family to baptize your child.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
office [at]

Are there requirements for the parents?Yes. At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic. Parents must participate in our baptism preparation program, regardless of having a child previously baptized. Once parents have completed that baptism preparation program you will be able to schedule the baptism date.
When are baptisms held?Baptisms can be held at a variety of times. Since the Sacrament of Baptism is about welcoming your child into the Christian community, celebrating the sacrament at a weekend or even a weekday Mass is preferred. However, baptisms for invited friends and family may also be arranged.
What are the requirements for godparents?Yes. At least one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic.
How old can a godparent be?All godparents must be 16 years of age or older.
Can there be more than 2 godparents?No, there can only be 2 official godparents. Godparents are a godmother and godfather. There cannot be two godmothers or two godfathers. Alternatively, a family can also just have one godparent.
What if a godparent is out of town and cannot make the baptism?You can have a godparent by proxy. Please indicate this on the baptism inquiry form.
Is there a cost for the baptism preparation resources?Yes - we use the online baptismal prepartion resource from Ascension Press called, Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God. This resource costs ~$12 CAD and is to be paid for by your family. Please contact us if you need assistance or if this is not feasible for your family.
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