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First Reconciliation & First Communion



 Sunday, September 29th 12:15 pm, or Thursday, October 3rd, 6:30 pm

[Parish Hall]

Come closer to Jesus through these beautiful Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion!


We are excited to journey with you and your family and look forward to helping you experience Christ's love for us all through these two Sacraments.


The long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church upholds the role of the family and its involvement in preparing children to receive these Sacraments.  We recognize that parents are the primary catechists and faith witnesses in a child's life!  Our parish is here to walk with you so that your child can experience these sacraments in all their fullness.

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First Communion Online Prep (2).png

Throughout the Archdiocese of Kingston, the preparation for the reception of these Sacraments is now done in the parish.  While our Catholic schools will continue to offer invaluable religious education to your child, parishes now take on the immediate preparation for these sacraments and help you – the parent – in forming your child in the Catholic Faith.


At St. Paul the Apostle parish, children will be expected to attend six (6) sessions of sacramental formation prior to receiving these sacraments. Three sessions are done in
preparation for the Sacrament of Confession, and three sessions are done for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The specific dates and times of these sessions will be clearly indicated and discussed at the Parent Information Session.




Children are naturally spiritual beings and this spiritual life thrives when they see their parents, educators and fellow parishioners engaged in their religious practice (going to Mass on Sunday, praying daily) and their relationship with God. These affirming links between parish, home and school form the child in the values of the Gospel as they see these values lived at home, in the school and in the parish.


We invite any young person and their family who feels they are ready to approach the Church for these sacraments to complete the following steps: 

Step One - Making the Commitment:


The Sacrament of Holy Communion initiates the candidate deeper into the life of Christ in the Church and strengthens him or her for the challenges of Christian living as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, this Sacrament is properly celebrated when the candidate, with their family has made a decision, proper to his or her age, to believe in the Lord, to live according to His teachings, and participate in the life of the Church. Parents and guardians, since they are the first educators in the Faith of their child, are expected to make the same commitments and live by it.  Parents and guardians are indispensable supports for their child to live a vibrant life in the Catholic Church. We ask that parents participate wholeheartedly  in the sacramental preparation process of their children. Therefore, we warmly invite the candidates and their families to participate in the life of their local parish by attending Sunday Mass!


Step Two - Parent/Guardian to Attend Information Session::


Registration for Reconciliation/First Communion takes place in the Parish to which you belong and where you and your family attend Mass. Not sure where your local Catholic parish is? Click here.


For those belonging to Saint Paul the Apostle Parish, please attend the Parent Information Session to receive a Registration Form.


Step Three - Submit your Registration & Baptismal Certificate:


Candidates for First Communion must provide a Baptismal Certificate, which clearly indicates the church, date and place of Baptism. If the baptism took place at Saint Paul the Apostle Parish (this parish), only the date of Baptism will be needed since we have the certificate on record. 

Return the Registration Form along with a copy of the Baptismal Certificate to the Parish either on Sunday Mass, or weekday at our Parish Office or by email at:


Step Four - Attend the Formation Sessions:


You and your child will be expected to attend six (6) sessions held at the parish in order to be adequately prepared to receive the Sacraments.  The specific dates will be outlined on the Registration Form and discussed at the Parent Information Session.


We look forward to meet you and to journey with your family on the path of Sacramental Formation for your child!



  • Are there requirements for the parents?
    Yes. At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic. Parents must participate in our baptism preparation program, regardless of having a child previously baptized. Once parents have completed that baptism preparation program you will be able to schedule the baptism date.
  • When are baptisms held?
    Baptisms can be held at a variety of times. Since the Sacrament of Baptism is about welcoming your child into the Christian community, celebrating the sacrament at a weekend or even a weekday Mass is preferred. However, baptisms for invited friends and family may also be arranged.
  • What are the requirements for godparents?
    Yes. At least one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic.
  • How old can a godparent be?
    All godparents must be 16 years of age or older.
  • Can there be more than 2 godparents?
    No, there can only be 2 official godparents. Godparents are a godmother and godfather. There cannot be two godmothers or two godfathers. Alternatively, a family can also just have one godparent.
  • What if a godparent is out of town and cannot make the baptism?
    You can have a godparent by proxy. Please indicate this on the baptism inquiry form.
  • Is there a cost for the baptism preparation resources?
    Yes - we use the online baptismal prepartion resource from Ascension Press called, Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God. This resource costs ~$12 CAD and is to be paid for by your family. Please contact us if you need assistance or if this is not feasible for your family.
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