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Module 2  -   Jesus Loves

Part 1:
Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Jesus showed us how he loves us in so many ways. Watch this short video on YouTube and then discuss together the questions below:

  1. Even though Jesus was tired, he took the time to feed over 5,000 people. Why did Jesus do this? (Hint: Because they were hungry)

  2. What do you think the people and the disciples learned? (Hint: When God gives us a job to do he always gives us the ability to do it. The boy with the loaves of bread and fishes, it wasn’t much, but with God’s help it became enough!)

  3. How can we be like Jesus? (Hint: Even when we are tired we can help others. God will always give us a way to do what we should.)

  4. How does Jesus show his love in this video? (Answers vary)


Part 2: 
Jesus Heals the Sick

Jesus showed us how he loves us in so many ways. Watch this short video on YouTube and then discuss together the questions below


  1. Why do you think Jesus healed the 10 lepers? (Hint: Jesus saw that they were sick and hurting and he wanted to take away their pain.)

  2. How many of the men came back? (Hint: Only 1!)

  3. Why did only 1 come back? (Answers vary: Maybe the others were so excited they didn’t think to go back to see Jesus till a lot later; Maybe this one man thought about it right away; Maybe because he was so happy and thankful, etc.)

  4. What can we do to be more like Jesus? (Answers vary: Help others, etc.)

When Jesus fed people who were hungry and healed people who were sick, he was showing them how much he loved them. When we feed others who are in need and help others who are sick, we are also showing our love for others.
Jesus asks us to love everyone. 

How can you love others in your family or school?

You're all finished module 2!

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