First Reconciliation - The Day Of!
Turn nervousness into excitement!
Depending on your child, they might be excited, nervous, timid, or scared for their First Reconciliation. That's OK and that's normal.
Here are some tips to make the day less nervous and more exciting:
Schedule a special event after their First Reconciliation (ice cream, a special toy, etc).
Involve your extended family virtually. Ask them call or FaceTime when you get home.
Reinforce the kindness of our priests. Even if you haven't met them yet, they super chill and will make the process easier.
Re-watch the "What to expect on your First Reconciliation Day" video.
Practice the Examination of Conscience below and the Act of Contrition. It's OK to print them out for your child.
Confidence rubs off. If you can be confident and calm, they will pick up on it. After all, it's not a big deal right? Their First Confession shouldn't be their last - so what a great start to prepare together.

Reminders! Print if needed.
Examine your heart
Before you go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), it helps to think back and remember any times that you have chosen to sin, walked down a wrong path, make a poor choice, broken one of God’s commandments, not listened to your conscience, or simply not been the best person you could be.
Take time to think about the questions and you will be ready to speak to the Priest. It’s hard for us to remember all the times we have sinned; that is why an examination of conscience is helpful. Sitting in a quiet place and thinking through these questions will help you to remember times you were not the best person you could be.
Questions to reflect on
These questions may help you examine your conscience:
Have I been a good friend?
Do I obey my parents?
Have I taken things that belong to other people?
Do I cheat in school or at sports?
Have I told lies?
Do I take time to pray each day?
Have I used God’s name in ways that are not appropriate
Am I grateful for the many gifts that God has blessed me with?
Your answers to these questions will help you to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Act of Contrition
Brother Francis mentioned making an Act of Contrition in his video. We do this at the end of the Sacrament when the priest asks us if we know an Act of Contrition.
Have your child pick their favourite of the two options below. We encourage you and your child to memorize it, but don't worry... the priest will be there to help. You can also bring a printed copy if that helps.
Jesus Christ,
Son of the living God,
Have mercy on me, a sinner.
Dear God,
I am sorry for doing wrong.
Please forgive me all my sins.
I know you love me very much.
Help me to love you in return and care for others as you do.