Welcome to our Confirmation Online Resources!
Below are some online resources for those seeking information extra to the in-person sessions. These online resources are not mandatory.
Throughout each video, questions will come up on screen. Pause the video at each question and discuss your answers with each other! Take some time with each answer - and have fun with it!
We've included additional questions for modules 2-5 for discussion after each video.
Module 1: Life - Is this it?
Module 2: Jesus - Who Is He?
Jesus Christ is the most famous person in history and there’s evidence to suggest Jesus was more than a great religious teacher. His life, death and resurrection is the centrepiece of the Christian faith. The resurrection not only suggests that God exists, but also that God has revealed himself through Jesus.
Discussion questions for after the video:
What do you think it would have been like to be around Jesus?
What parts of the life of Jesus stand out to you?
Why do you think Jesus spent so much time with outcasts, the sick and the poor?
What do you think about the claim that Jesus is God?
Module 3: Faith - How can I have faith?
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to have faith? Christianity is not a club someone joins or a set of ideas to add to your knowledge. It is a life-changing relationship with Jesus! And we enter into that relationship by faith – not blind faith, but a step of faith based on the truth about who Jesus is and what he has done.
Discussion questions for after the video:
What stood out to you from this episode?
Jason said, ‘The one who knows you the best, is the one who loves you the most.’ What do you think about that statement? Or how do you feel about it?
What are some obstacles that might prevent you from having a relationship with God?
What does the idea ‘a step of faith’ mean to you? What does that have to do with Christianity?
Module 4: Holy Spirit - Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is God with us. He is God with you! He is a source of strength and freedom. He brings change in our character. The Spirit gives us power to serve, and he fills our hearts with the love of God.
Discussion questions for after the video:
How do you feel about the idea that God is present with us through his Holy Spirit?
Have you ever had someone pray with you? How did it go?
Open up the Bible to 1 Corinthians 12:4–11, read the text and then chat about it!
Have you ever heard of or had any experience with God’s supernatural gifts?
What questions come to mind when you hear this passage?
Module 5: Church - What about the Church?
The church is the family of God. It’s people, not a building. It’s a movement of hope, love and justice. We are all invited to live out our faith in community with other believers. God works through the church to extend love to the whole world.
Discussion questions for after the video:
Did anything from the episode stand out to you?
In this video, five pictures represented the church: friends, family, home, body of Jesus, and love.
Do any of those images stand out to you?
Is there an idea or image that raised some questions for you?
The church is so diverse in its expression. How can such a global and diverse church be united?
Well done!
Our parish community rejoices and is praying for you as your prepare to be confirmed! We hope this time of reflection and faith discussion has been fruitful.
If you're interested in watching more of the Youth Alpha series, click here for a playlist of the entire series of 13 episodes.